Tevvez - ZEUS

  • Опубликовано: 17 мар 2025
  • song: Tevvez Zeus
    Spotify: open.spotify.c...
    Apple Music: / zeus-single
    Zyzz detected: playlist accepted
    Big thanks to Tevvez Membership:
    @Giovanni Rodriguez

Комментарии • 3,3 тыс.

  • @FromHumanToGod
    @FromHumanToGod 2 года назад +9337


  • @lewisjones284
    @lewisjones284 3 года назад +18896

    Tevvez is a crucial ingredient to getting shredded

    • @nathaniel3535
      @nathaniel3535 3 года назад +420

      Facts my guy. Started listening to his straight slappers and got the most diced ive been since just after highschool. His drops are highly thermogenic. Lol

    • @KeyzKieran
      @KeyzKieran 3 года назад +435

      Protein, Creatine and Tevvez

    • @mehroflomfg
      @mehroflomfg 3 года назад +91


    • @marcussaastamoinen3574
      @marcussaastamoinen3574 3 года назад +80

      @@KeyzKieran and pre workout to get u even more hyped

    • @cartice862
      @cartice862 3 года назад +53

      Even if, we gonna make it anyways brah

  • @Forrestbono
    @Forrestbono 3 года назад +2718

    Son of Zeus, God of Aesthetics

    • @suakin8312
      @suakin8312 3 года назад +22

      didnt expected u there tbh xD

    • @DeadliftGoblin
      @DeadliftGoblin 3 года назад +22

      last guy i would expect here, but accepted

    • @onionpluto8186
      @onionpluto8186 3 года назад +2

      Wth are you doing here xd

    • @charlesfraser1297
      @charlesfraser1297 3 года назад +7

      Son of Zeus, Father of Aesthetics
      Forever Mirin

    • @tictacturkey3367
      @tictacturkey3367 3 года назад +14

      Kinda weird you're here but Zyzz would have accepted you so, so do we

  • @T1LL3R
    @T1LL3R 3 года назад +4726

    I can’t believe Zyzz is dead man. God knows where he would be now. The origin of the aesthetics movement, the man who created a new revolution, the man who started it all. An inspiration to millions. ❤️

    • @lukapopovic8639
      @lukapopovic8639 3 года назад +253

      The crazy that this sounds but if he wouldnt die he wouldnt be so famous you know something about him gone is something else and you give more respect and emotion to it

    • @T1LL3R
      @T1LL3R 3 года назад +154

      @@lukapopovic8639 that right there, is so true. Because he’s gone, we got to reflect on what he actually did. But if he was alive it maybe wouldn’t be the same as how we view him now as far as what he created.

    • @Legacyofmine
      @Legacyofmine 3 года назад +58

      @@T1LL3R Yes brah, he did his job, which was inspire, after he did that, there was no use for him, no disrespect to Aziz. but he had already peaked in his transformation, His body couldn't get anymore aesthetic, it would have only been downhill from there onwards. RIP Zyzz

    • @T1LL3R
      @T1LL3R 3 года назад +45

      @@Legacyofmine I agree, but so said people of Jeff Seid in 2013 when he was insane looking. Then he became even bigger and more aesthetic.
      🥈Jeff seid

    • @liltrump799
      @liltrump799 3 года назад +12

      Probably nowhere. Let's be real the biggest reason he's so famous now is that he died like a sickkunt.

  • @Lucastetcu
    @Lucastetcu 3 года назад +8643

    Last night i slept about 2/3 hours, i've waked up this morning at 6.58 for school and i had a really bad day ( worst day of last 3 months ) but i still hitted my daily workout even if i am tired as fuck. Boys keep it up, zyzz is still alive in our hearts.

    • @theonewhoasked1705
      @theonewhoasked1705 3 года назад +307

      Hope ur doing fine, continue to fight with ur body and do not surrender🔥 stay zyzzed brah

    • @lukadaring7
      @lukadaring7 3 года назад +149

      Fucking nice one mate

    • @Nimishman
      @Nimishman 3 года назад +133

      You'll make it brah

    • @mhungd7390
      @mhungd7390 3 года назад +521

      Man you need rest. Your body builds muscles when youre asleep.

    • @XeagleXfraric
      @XeagleXfraric 3 года назад +327

      Rest is critical. I hope you don't make a habit out of this, it's a speedy way to all sorts of muscular and articular issues.

  • @svenyes4078
    @svenyes4078 3 года назад +1243

    "He who is only an athlete is too crude, too vulgar, too much a savage. He who is a scholar only is too soft, to effeminate. The ideal citizen is the scholar athlete, the man of thought and the man of action."

    • @RandiePro
      @RandiePro 2 года назад +108

      "The measure of a man, is what he does with power."

    • @svenyes4078
      @svenyes4078 Год назад +13

      @Agent 39 are you ok

    • @kytkinpommiracing
      @kytkinpommiracing Год назад +10

      ​@Agent 39 get some help

    • @hensolo8825
      @hensolo8825 Год назад

      @Agent 39 men achieved greatness and wisedom from mistakes and experiences, let us learn and grow for them so we may become as mighty as they once were, or more.

    • @osiris-h3p
      @osiris-h3p Год назад +6

      @Agent 39 meds, now.

  • @GiraffeFeatures
    @GiraffeFeatures 3 года назад +2462

    Unironically one of the best songs I've ever heard

  • @hieuphamtrung1244
    @hieuphamtrung1244 Год назад +258

    Tevvez is no longer just a music producer
    He is now a whole music genre.

    • @DirefulVixen
      @DirefulVixen 11 месяцев назад

      Well hardstyle actually is a music genre and this is very bad one.

    • @Zen69967
      @Zen69967 10 месяцев назад +7

      @@DirefulVixen How is this bad?

    • @mryellow9655
      @mryellow9655 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@DirefulVixen There are no bad music genre, if dont like it you come here just to hate?

    • @tongobong1
      @tongobong1 7 месяцев назад +1

      This song is dedicated to the greatest American president ever the legendary president Trump!

    • @Zen69967
      @Zen69967 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@tongobong1 L take tbh

  • @KoperaTV
    @KoperaTV 3 года назад +1190


  • @Baparios
    @Baparios 3 года назад +2300

    Havent even heard it yet but it will be a banger for sure
    Edit: It was

    • @T1LL3R
      @T1LL3R 3 года назад +29

      Hahaha, my ears are orgasming in the hard style beats. BOMM BOMM BOMM BOMM

    • @cantstop3724
      @cantstop3724 3 года назад +13

      Edit: It Is*

    • @randomyoutuber1834
      @randomyoutuber1834 3 года назад +2

      It's not.

    • @Nekotcatt
      @Nekotcatt 3 года назад +24

      @@randomyoutuber1834 u mad brah?

    • @randomyoutuber1834
      @randomyoutuber1834 3 года назад +3


  • @FearNLoathing
    @FearNLoathing 3 года назад +243

    My heart Aching everytime this goes off...

    • @gottagofastest
      @gottagofastest Год назад +1

      Heart pain?
      Gotta stay off those roids or you'll end up dead in a sauna or something

  • @MisterChernobyl
    @MisterChernobyl 3 года назад +6377

    My bodyfat has dropped by 4% because of this song

    • @albert_the_cool8092
      @albert_the_cool8092 3 года назад +317

      finna show this to your momma then
      (joke, I dont mean it thanks for understanding)

    • @Skipper-rn2ji
      @Skipper-rn2ji 3 года назад +30

      please tell me ur joking thats not cool

    • @jhamumamaSwag
      @jhamumamaSwag 3 года назад +214

      @@albert_the_cool8092 Gotta show this to fat positive models

    • @monke5403
      @monke5403 3 года назад +12

      Nah bro I’ve just been pinning you in your sleep.

    • @Sturmv0gel
      @Sturmv0gel 3 года назад +5

      @@Skipper-rn2ji read the comment lol

  • @rubensmit932
    @rubensmit932 3 года назад +1915

    You're almost the only person I listen to in the gym, thank you so much for another tune for my gym playlist 💪🙌

    • @Tevvezz
      @Tevvezz  3 года назад +525

    • @TMZI006
      @TMZI006 3 года назад +64

      @@Tevvezz Woah, how??

    • @raffaG59
      @raffaG59 3 года назад +37

      @@TMZI006join his membership

    • @TMZI006
      @TMZI006 3 года назад +52

      @@raffaG59 Oh, That makes sense, thanks brah

    • @rokuyasu9143
      @rokuyasu9143 3 года назад +14

      U go to the gym and have what I think is a close up berserk pfp. Fuckin hell I ain't gonna lie u give off gigachad vibes and that ain't a bad thing bruh

  • @beltrancreates
    @beltrancreates 2 года назад +126

    Zyzz, the son of Zeus, he arrived Earth for do his comitment and we, the brahs, have a little part of him in our hearts, and we must fight for a meaningful purpose. Such an inspiration for a whole community.

  • @stevenv1826
    @stevenv1826 3 года назад +2198

    I just love how everyone thats never going to give up eventually stumbles upon zyzz and this amazing artist, it feels like some sort of a checkpoint honestly 💪

    • @potatosmuggler7927
      @potatosmuggler7927 3 года назад +49

      Indeed! This is the most motivated comment section

    • @georgedidelot8639
      @georgedidelot8639 3 года назад +18

      Fuck yeah brah

    • @jamesmccloud7535
      @jamesmccloud7535 3 года назад +14

      1st zyzz now this lol, let's all get shredded brah

    • @grandrio8994
      @grandrio8994 3 года назад +4

      Can’t give up I’m too far now💪

    • @miltakis12
      @miltakis12 3 года назад +9

      Can’t be more true ... been working out all my life and fucked it up in just 6 months of quarantine lockdown eating shit and drinking shit all day long eventually my body gave up on me . Till I stumbled upon zyzz and tevvez about 2 weeks ago . I never been so motivated to start lifting doing calisthenics and shredding the skipping rope . Long live the son of Zeus and father of aesthetics.

  • @MrJamesdryable
    @MrJamesdryable 3 года назад +1297

    I never knew him personally but I do remember seeing him dancing at every single rave in his shorts, shoes, and no shirt. His physique was like nothing I'd ever seen.

    • @vafabakhsh
      @vafabakhsh 3 года назад +61

      you are damn lucky

    • @MrJamesdryable
      @MrJamesdryable 3 года назад +209

      @@vafabakhsh Yeah, I didn't know it at the time. It was just like "there's that fucking shredded tanned dude again". I was a bit younger than him and hadn't started lifting so I couldn't really tell just how perfect his insertions etc were. I could just instinctually tell that there was something different about this dude.

    • @Nekotcatt
      @Nekotcatt 3 года назад +65

      @@MrJamesdryable i would have loved to share some raves with him, you are lucky to have those memories even if you never knew him personally. And i agree, one of a kind for sure, and not only the fitness part but having watched hundred of his videos you can feel what an amazing character he was.

    • @MrJamesdryable
      @MrJamesdryable 3 года назад +92

      @@Nekotcatt He definitely had a presence about him. Whenever he was around everyone would stare without making it too obvious that they were staring.

    • @Nimishman
      @Nimishman 3 года назад +17

      Every once in a while I see a story similar to this comments from one of the OGs. Its interesting to know

  • @joelexa4313
    @joelexa4313 3 года назад +612

    I used to despise hardstyle type music, but now i'm addicted to yours, i enjoy my workouts twice as much, all thanks to you, Tevvez.

    • @wayram
      @wayram 3 года назад +1

      What genre is this?

    • @Jojo_D_Northstar
      @Jojo_D_Northstar 3 года назад +31

      @@wayram hardstyle

    • @dimitrisdimitriadis4913
      @dimitrisdimitriadis4913 2 года назад +7

      Same, I used to be the classic rock/blues/metal type. Now I'm the same, except plus Tevvez

    • @lennartsix6102
      @lennartsix6102 2 года назад +1

      @@dimitrisdimitriadis4913 lol im rock/metal/hiphop/hardstyle/trance. am i weird?

    • @mctavishomagh7715
      @mctavishomagh7715 2 года назад +1

      I'm the same although I kinda respected gabba because of its originality. Tevvez/Zyzz hard style this should coined. This music and it's aesthetics are great

  • @barackobamagaming7607
    @barackobamagaming7607 2 года назад +264

    I started to workout when I left my school because I got bullied for 2 months straight. I’m 5 months into getting shredded. We are going to make it brahs🔱

  • @KoperaTV
    @KoperaTV 3 года назад +852

    I keep coming back to this song so good

  • @ArielLorusso
    @ArielLorusso 3 года назад +2714

    0:59 Workout
    1:26 Overload
    1:52 Rest
    2:05 Workout
    2:32 Overload
    2:59 Rest

    • @eric_calisthenics_05
      @eric_calisthenics_05 3 года назад +91


    • @Dieguito72
      @Dieguito72 3 года назад +21

      @@eric_calisthenics_05 BOT

    • @yaseemanac
      @yaseemanac 3 года назад +1


    • @crazyeddy98
      @crazyeddy98 3 года назад +156

      Bruh if u only rest 10sec between sets u dont lift heavy enough

    • @Pn3DS
      @Pn3DS 3 года назад +15

      @@crazyeddy98 BruH

  • @vadoksam9235
    @vadoksam9235 3 года назад +22

    Beyond Inspiring. The Greek architecture and statues unlock a feeling of lost pantheonic mightiness. Truly powerful and awe worthy.

  • @NaMe-ot7sc
    @NaMe-ot7sc 3 года назад +280

    This atmosphere is the best you can experience during a workout.. Rip Zyzz

  • @winniebeats5164
    @winniebeats5164 3 года назад +264

    I recently started lifting again and randomly cried when I listened to this song. Rip legend, we miss you Zyzz. Last rep is always for you

  • @SoulPapiii
    @SoulPapiii 3 года назад +15

    These kinda musics will make u big in the gym no lie
    Make u a god 🔥🔥🔥

  • @MassiveRuehl
    @MassiveRuehl 3 года назад +70

    Fuarrkkinnggg sick brah 🔥 #Fuarktillidie

  • @Vii11111
    @Vii11111 2 года назад +31

    Thanks to Zyzz he’s been the one getting me off that lonely bed to workout❤️

  • @legendofsamson4882
    @legendofsamson4882 3 года назад +230

    The hits sound so vicious I love it, plus the visuals are always insane. Certified classic already brah 🔥

    • @Tevvezz
      @Tevvezz  3 года назад +26

      thanks bra

    • @j.h.m.s5164
      @j.h.m.s5164 2 года назад

      Hardstyle feeling my man,i love this genre

  • @andreaperuzzi1608
    @andreaperuzzi1608 3 года назад +91

    You really nailed the initial part, it really sounds like greek attic music and it gives that feeling, the chords/melody and instruments. Really evocative.
    Echoes of a forgotten past...

  • @pablochaconmusic1993
    @pablochaconmusic1993 2 года назад +16

    Im not quite sure if people realise what a masterpiece this is. Its just insanity. He literally produces the best hardstyle out there. And he keeps it unique

  • @Revzil
    @Revzil 3 года назад +88

    Just recently found your channel and man, am I glad I did. It's like hardstyle but nothing like the homogenic "euphoric" mass that gets produced these days. Its like...a genre of its own. Keep true to your roots, style, and continue producing the absolute fuel for gains.

  • @sambhavsingh9026
    @sambhavsingh9026 3 года назад +228

    Just in time . I was about to train. Let's goo!!!

    • @luckylaki2092
      @luckylaki2092 3 года назад +18

      Fuck yea me 2 it's chast dey

    • @Tevvezz
      @Tevvezz  3 года назад +70

      let's fuarking go !

    • @roberteros3463
      @roberteros3463 3 года назад +7

      samee , chest day baby 🔱

    • @user-xb4cr1ym4f
      @user-xb4cr1ym4f 3 года назад +3

      @@Tevvezz woah how’d you get that

    • @dvrgaming2283
      @dvrgaming2283 3 года назад +3

      @@Tevvezz can I use your music in my video?

  • @tfjfmghjdfhdfh
    @tfjfmghjdfhdfh 6 месяцев назад +4

    I listened this song when I joined gym and my bodyweight was 59 kilos and now 1.5 years later I am 73 kilos with 12 to 13 % body fat.This song still reminds me the insecurity I was in when I got this masterpiece.❤ You Tevvez.

  • @carloortega5836
    @carloortega5836 3 года назад +137

    Hell yeah, can’t wait to hit some pr’s with this one

  • @cosmic_gate476
    @cosmic_gate476 3 года назад +92

    After listening to most of your tracks, I cannot help but join. Please keep at it!

  • @ryusatottv
    @ryusatottv 3 года назад +148

    • @dtl-a0684
      @dtl-a0684 7 месяцев назад +3

      How did you get these emoji’s! These are amazing!

    • @Plllio
      @Plllio 7 месяцев назад

      @@dtl-a0684you need to be a member of the channel

  • @kaz217
    @kaz217 3 года назад +71

    New tevvez song = NEW PR

  • @lexx.little
    @lexx.little 3 года назад +30

    Recent releases have been something different bro

  • @Nimerian
    @Nimerian Год назад +5

    When I listen to this and Tevez in general, I get the feeling of the hundreds of workouts this fuelled me through. The long nights, the lonely dinners, the fear of entropy caching on to me. Many doubts, challenges, disappointments. But I was always there to save me. I'm really grateful I insisted on reaching a higher potential.
    Thanks Tevez, Zyzz and the rest of my brothers for inspiring me and keeping me motivated 🙌

  • @ZanarGaming
    @ZanarGaming 3 года назад +42


  • @edgelord6210
    @edgelord6210 3 года назад +67

    Man I was in a dark place then found about your music, Zyzz and the memes and now I feel like I am completely reborn. Thank you! 💪✨

    • @Imae08I
      @Imae08I 3 года назад +4

      Life is gift from God, lets take it gratefully and pass it arround for another brother... Jesús and Zyzz made that exactly. Im going to do the same.
      Bless you brother

    • @edgelord6210
      @edgelord6210 2 года назад +1

      @@Imae08I I dont know who or where you are, but thank you brother 🙏

  • @idkwhat123
    @idkwhat123 5 дней назад +1

    "Zeus was your father? I'm dangling from the hip of the bloody ghost of Sparta!"

  • @CatholicFundamentalist1096
    @CatholicFundamentalist1096 3 года назад +233

    The amount of power you put into three fucking minutes is extraordinary, probably your best one yet

  • @retrotechgames-diyrepair4691
    @retrotechgames-diyrepair4691 3 года назад +44

    Proud to support the channel. Thank you for all the slappin songs to keep us going and congrats on 100k!!

    • @Tevvezz
      @Tevvezz  3 года назад +7

      Thank you so much

  • @andresmartinezgiraldo1454
    @andresmartinezgiraldo1454 3 года назад +39

    Como fliparia zyzz de saber que existen estos temas y gloroficandolo a el❤️

    • @samuuquispe5269
      @samuuquispe5269 2 года назад +5

      siempre me pongo a pensar en eso ,como disfrutaría de estos temazos el gran Zyzz 😔

    • @nekro0072
      @nekro0072 2 года назад +1


  • @TheBeastMotivation
    @TheBeastMotivation 3 года назад +327

    LET'S GO!! 🔥💪

  • @derbohnebean373
    @derbohnebean373 3 года назад +38

    Started the gym Dec 17 2021, 325ish lbs, a broad 6'4. down to 298 as of today. Because of You, Zois and Zyzz. No cardio only lifting, it makes me happy. Never had the confidence at all until i found Zyzz's community and legacy... Truly inspiring really. I have the fuel to keep the fire going, plenty of it. BUT TEVVEZ ZOIS AND ZYZZ SPARK IT FOR ME BABY! Everyone has their own fuel! MAYBE YOU JUST NEED HELP GETTING THE SPARK BRAHS! If you fire is not lit yet keep these 3 men in your daily routine, the drive you will have to better your self will be immaculate! WE ARE ALL GONNA MAKE IT BRAH'S NEVER LOSE YOUR GRINDSET AND KEEP YOUR FUCKING MINDSET!!!

  • @dy7296
    @dy7296 2 года назад +31

    This never fails to fuel me the urge to get off the confort zone

  • @ForeignWerewolf
    @ForeignWerewolf 3 года назад +128

    Dont stop making these, i love them, they remind us of zyzz. Your music is great!!!

  • @jayspazzout5147
    @jayspazzout5147 3 года назад +7

    Man I’ve been lifting for 9 months now and without you my guy I wouldn’t be this big . Thank you for these tracks yo they get me in the zone

  • @L070
    @L070 2 года назад +8

    I had never felt anything like it, this music is special.

  • @fahimjalal2703
    @fahimjalal2703 3 года назад +103

    Never had i ever clicked on a video so fast in my life.

    • @Verbux
      @Verbux 3 года назад +7

      Yeh brah it's midnight so I hope my muzzing doesn't wake up my parents.

    • @maxsjostrom
      @maxsjostrom 3 года назад +3

      Fucking same

    • @Kristheticss
      @Kristheticss 3 года назад +4

      Same brah!

  • @kartikaybhatt4256
    @kartikaybhatt4256 3 года назад +239

    bro why tf you are not popular? you are so good keep on going

    • @thunderhawk4585
      @thunderhawk4585 2 года назад +11

      He needs the blessing of the algorithm.

    • @yveee28
      @yveee28 2 года назад +1

      @@thunderhawk4585 his subs increased by like 500%, also nice original name :) just kidding

    • @thunderhawk4585
      @thunderhawk4585 2 года назад +5

      @@yveee28 I think you misunderstood me

    • @thunderhawk4585
      @thunderhawk4585 2 года назад +3

      @@yveee28 I like him but he does not come out often so he needs the blessing in order for people to see him more often.

    • @Yanser234
      @Yanser234 2 года назад +5

      legit everyone i know that lifts knows tevvez :) know only ppl around the 16-25 age range tho

  • @Diiooss
    @Diiooss 3 года назад +11

    I love the repesentation of this song, at least as far as I can see, it represents the tragedy of Zyzz's death, his rise among the Gods of Aesthetics, rise of his origin, Legacy and his lifestyle and finally living his Legacy , keep Zyzz in our heart and spreading his legacy throughout the community.

  • @ItsJustSolax
    @ItsJustSolax 3 года назад +20

    And when we needed him the most he returned

  • @balazssomogyi9598
    @balazssomogyi9598 3 года назад +61

    Tevvez songs are the additional 1% we all deserve
    We're all gonna make it brahs

  • @davidt3694
    @davidt3694 2 года назад +4

    who needs preworkout when you have this. it gives me chills every time and its pure essence of motivation. keep it up

  • @vafabakhsh
    @vafabakhsh 3 года назад +19

    I swear… Tevvez and Zyzz are equals. The motivational speeches of Zyzz may be finished, but we’re so lucky to have Tevvez around still making this godlike music for us. 🙏 🙏 🙏

  • @pedroferraz9758
    @pedroferraz9758 3 года назад +18

    Reject modernity, Embrace manliness

  • @thangnguyenhuu8177
    @thangnguyenhuu8177 5 месяцев назад +2

    The legendary gymer deserves the legendary music. Rest in peace, Zyzz

  • @AverageDipBuyerX
    @AverageDipBuyerX 3 года назад +12

    If Tevvez will keep going like this, he will also be remembered as a legend💪

  • @DOGGSOSO100
    @DOGGSOSO100 3 года назад +30

    Pas besoin d’écouter je sais déjà que c’est du lourd

  • @meeram2845
    @meeram2845 7 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for keeping me motivated!! LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  • @user-eq9lu2oq6t
    @user-eq9lu2oq6t 3 года назад +28

    Inspiring thousands with your music brah 🔱

  • @Phoenix-21F
    @Phoenix-21F 3 года назад +19

    Protect Tevvez at all costs , we can't afford to lose him 🙏❤❤❤

  • @BerylliumBronze
    @BerylliumBronze Год назад +2

    I was 3 years old when Zyzz died. I don't know who he is, but people seem to be very inspired by him. RIP Zyzz, this song is fire.

  • @IcedUp
    @IcedUp 3 года назад +26

    i wasn't very into this genre of music but when i found about ZYZZ and i heard songs like this it got me hooked. I managed to lift 100kg deadlift yesterday listening to this song, usually I only can do 80kg. Wasn't even wearing a belt either. The drive it gave me haha. Amazing work. Keep this up and make more amazing music. Love from UK!

  • @baardvassbotn870
    @baardvassbotn870 3 года назад +20

    Another banger Tevvez, never cease to amaze me

  • @ingmatuss4163
    @ingmatuss4163 8 месяцев назад +3


  • @morganmans6638
    @morganmans6638 3 года назад +22

    No joke, but the hype I get from this guys songs is just so unreal! Like when that drop hits I get fueled for atleats 6 more reps! This one is a absolute banger aswell!

  • @shabelijsg2615
    @shabelijsg2615 3 года назад +68

    0:57 i got goosebumps from this part its just epic 🔥

  • @dukelaser
    @dukelaser 2 года назад +12

    There are no words to describe this 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @GODEYE270115
    @GODEYE270115 3 года назад +33

    Son of Zeus, brother to Hercules…..father of aesthetics
    Another banger from the king of hardstyle 🙌🏻👑💯

  • @jorrikdemesmaeker6359
    @jorrikdemesmaeker6359 3 года назад +29

    Your music is dope, keep on the grind.
    Weird that you aren't more famous.
    Wish you all the best with your carreer💪

  • @barnabyijt5012
    @barnabyijt5012 2 года назад

    Stay on your purpose - I'm listening to this while writing my thesis, preparing for a divisional powerlifting meet with a goal to qualify nationally, working a job, enjoying an amazing relationship, and setting myself up for the third and final interview for my ideal graduate role. Only a couple years back I was feeling hopeless and close to giving up and not seeing these days... but I chose strength, and here I am. Stick together brahs, WE'RE ALL GONNA MAKE IT!
    Thanks Tevvez for the music that makes me feel like i just 'can'.

  • @Tevvezz
    @Tevvezz  3 года назад +2472

    Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/5bNofz6tViGjfWBgozTscm?si=adf1430a4c264791

    • @masterwalk5867
      @masterwalk5867 3 года назад +120

      Sound of gods🔥
      You are a Master of HARDSTYLE

    •  3 года назад +24

      How do you fucking do that?

    • @conner8353
      @conner8353 3 года назад +112

      Zyzz emojis?

    • @andrumohanu490
      @andrumohanu490 3 года назад +90

      How do i get zyzz emojis brah

    • @Tevvezz
      @Tevvezz  3 года назад +150

      @@andrumohanu490 you can have zyzz emoji with the membership on my channel

  • @Kristheticss
    @Kristheticss 3 года назад +14

    Brah this is awesome, zyyz from the mount olympus is watching this with proud eyes! Fuaark!💪🏼🔥

  • @thehuntergathererpack
    @thehuntergathererpack 3 года назад +18

    The Gods have blessed our ears, Tevvez smashing it once again ✅

  • @feurd0n559
    @feurd0n559 7 месяцев назад +2

    Tevvez you are the person genius person refer to as their inspiration.

  • @CyberGhostArt
    @CyberGhostArt 3 года назад +15


  • @63menel
    @63menel 3 года назад +15

    This is so far your best song imo

  • @jkbtw293
    @jkbtw293 4 месяца назад +1

    zyzz the jesus of fitness, son of zeus, founder of asthetics, peoples champion, dancing master, confident warrior, edm enthusiast and my inspiration ❤❤

  • @r_dilla8698
    @r_dilla8698 3 года назад +9

    banger after banger after BANGER another big hyper for pr's

  • @glleboy2233
    @glleboy2233 3 года назад +8

    during my lifts when im off that pre, got a crazy pump, and bumping tevvez sometimes i get so hyped, amped, and mad that i get those eye flashes, that feeling when u so mad that your heart skips a beat and your eyes just flash and I fucking go crazy tevvezz really takes my emotions to that level. Fucking love you

  • @perturbant1917
    @perturbant1917 2 года назад +7

    This song has a place in my memories

  • @guilhermefernandes3748
    @guilhermefernandes3748 3 года назад +7

    zyzz and zeus must be happy listening to this song, and talking long live Legacy.
    FUUUUUAAARK. 🇧🇷🇧🇷🔥

  • @ahrix_yt6715
    @ahrix_yt6715 3 года назад +4

    U mirin brah zyzz will always live in our hearts

  • @doria500
    @doria500 Год назад +1

    so nice of Tevvez to post this song on my birthday

  • @afryscot4782
    @afryscot4782 3 года назад +4

    Tevvez please keep releasing new tunes man. Honestly the best hardstyle and best gym music I have ever heard! Keep it going man

  • @mobydix
    @mobydix 3 года назад +5

    J'ai l'impression d'écouter ce son depuis des années alors que ça fait que deux mois qu'il est sorti, tu nous manque bro

  • @jasonalvarez9608
    @jasonalvarez9608 3 года назад +1

    Reject modernity, embrace masculinity 💪🏼

  • @albabatr8098
    @albabatr8098 3 года назад +9

    When you listen this music at the Gym you get blessed by The Gods of Olympus and each set will be new PR🙌🏻

  • @masterwalk5867
    @masterwalk5867 3 года назад +9

    Wouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 🔥 PURE motivation TEVVEZ MASTER

  • @jawaharantony1557
    @jawaharantony1557 2 года назад +9

    Zyzz is still living in our hearts ❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥⚡⚡⚡⚡✌️

  • @kestone94260
    @kestone94260 3 года назад +8

    Incroyable son et ce clip de dingue, ça motive tellement ! Merci pour ces bangers

  • @Zyzzshredz
    @Zyzzshredz 3 года назад +18

    10 years after his death, his name known to us all. Forever mirin The Godfather of Aesthetics

  • @biggieched5152
    @biggieched5152 2 года назад +1

    Had 3 hours sleep, went to work, to a job I hate supporting people, outside of my 60 hours a week working, rhe gym, and these songs, give me strength 💪

  • @_Jay_Singh
    @_Jay_Singh 3 года назад +9

    The king of hardstyle has returned
    I love how intense this song is!

  • @DeepDiveDavid
    @DeepDiveDavid 3 года назад +7

    Thank you for all the incredible Tracks you have produced over the years! Even on the lowest days i manage to hype myself up with your music at 01:00 AM on the parking Lot in front of the Gym. Another banger for tomorrows Training 💪

  • @meGigachad.2
    @meGigachad.2 6 месяцев назад +4

    we are hitting gym with this one

  • @OmbotPranks
    @OmbotPranks 3 года назад +4

    Watching zyzz motivation vids for over 6 years, I am older then he was when he died, this brings extra feels, thanks zyzz and thanks tevvez for keep getting this legend in the spotlight😍😍❤️